Are you using Google Docs yet? This is a great free service with some awesome features. Here are three new guides to using Google docs: spreadsheets, presentations, and documents.
Human Footprint - Watch the Documentary Film for Free - SnagFilms
Infinite Photograph -- As Seen On Earth -- The Green Guide
Forces of Nature--Science, Maps, Photos, Video (National Geographic)
UNEP: Atlas of Our Changing Environment
RMI's Oil Imports Map - RMI MOVE
Morphie's Great Water Ride Adventure
Interactive - National Geographic Magazine
Trees for the Future > Welcome
Emerald Island™ - A place where we can grow!
CO2 emissions, birth & death rates by country, simulated real-time
Wordle is a sweet word and wiring visualizing tool. has the ability to analyze the most frequent words used in a text (can be pasted in, weblinked, or typed in) and then creates a visual representation of those. Here is a slideshow, I came across while reading Mike Fisher’s blog; in it uses for Wordle in the classroom are shared.